मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

मेरी फ़ोटो
I love writing,and want people to read me ! I some times share good posts for readers.

शुक्रवार, 28 फ़रवरी 2025

Amazing !!

 Let's take a journey through time and explore what life was like 500 years ago.

Social Structure

1. *Feudal System*: Society was organized into a hierarchical feudal system, with kings and queens at the top, followed by nobles, knights, and vassals.

2. *Guilds*: Craftsmen and merchants formed guilds to regulate their trades and protect their interests.

3. *Serfs*: Most people were serfs, tied to the land and required to provide labor and services to the local lord.

Daily Life

1. *Agriculture*: Agriculture was the primary source of food and income, with most people living in rural areas and working as farmers or laborers.

2. *Manual Labor*: Most work was done by hand, with tools made of wood, stone, or metal.

3. *Limited Mobility*: Travel was difficult and time-consuming, with most people living and dying within a few miles of their birthplace.


1. *Simple Tools*: People used simple tools made of wood, stone, or metal, such as hammers, saws, and plows.

2. *Water Wheels*: Water wheels were used to power mills and other machinery.

3. *Candlelight*: Candles and fires provided lighting, with no electric lighting available.

Culture and Entertainment

1. *Oral Storytelling*: Stories were passed down through oral tradition, with traveling bards and minstrels sharing tales and news.

2. *Music and Dance*: Music and dance were popular forms of entertainment, with instruments like the lute and the fiddle.

3. *Festivals and Fairs*: Festivals and fairs were held to celebrate important events, like harvests and religious holidays.

Health and Medicine

1. *Limited Medical Knowledge*: Medical knowledge was limited, with many illnesses and injuries treated with herbal remedies or superstition.

2. *High Mortality Rates*: Mortality rates were high, with many people dying in childhood or from infectious diseases.

3. *No Antibiotics*: There were no antibiotics, making infections often deadly.


1. *Limited Access*: Education was limited to the wealthy and the clergy, with most people unable to read or write.

2. *Apprenticeships*: Apprenticeships were a common way for young people to learn a trade or skill.

3. *Monasteries*: Monasteries and convents provided education and training for those who wanted to devote their lives to the Church.

This is just a glimpse into what life was like 500 years ago. It was a time of great change and uncertainty, but also of great creativity and innovation.

गुरुवार, 27 फ़रवरी 2025

Laughter !! Marathi !!

 बँकेकडून लोन SANCTION झालं. मॅनेजरनं डीडी हातात धरून माझ्यापुढं हात केला..

.मी कृतज्ञतेनं त्यांना मराठीत म्हटलं : “मी तुमचे ऋण कधीच फेडू शकणार नाही.”

.मॅनेजरने डीडी परत ड्रॉवरमध्ये ठेवला.

*मराठी भाषा गौरव दिनाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा!!!* 

मराठी कॉफ़ी फेस्ट..

कळवलेलं कळलं हे`

कळवलेल्याला कळवलं

की कळवलेलं कळलं

हे कळवलेल्याला कळेल.

न कळलेलं कळण्यासाठी कळवलेल्याला कळवले की कळवलेल्याला कळलेलं न कळलेल्याला कळेल.`कळलं तर कळवा.....

`मराठी दिनाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा 

*पु.ल. - ' व्हता ' बरोबर की 'होता '?*

*श्रोता - अर्थात 'होता', 'व्हता' चूक.*

*पु.ल. - 'व्हता' चूक तर 'नव्हता' कुठून आलं?* 

          *असो, एवढं सोपं नाही ते...* 

 *मराठी  दिनाच्या शुभेच्छा* 

*आज मराठी भाषा दिन निमित्ताने*


*'ळ'* हे अक्षर असलेली जगातली एकमेव भाषा म्हणजे आपली मराठी...!!!


म्हणूनच ह्या भाषेच्या समृद्धतेचा आम्हाला गर्व आहे!

*'ळ' अक्षर नसेल तर?*

*पळणार कसे...*

*वळणार कसे...*

*दुसर्‍यावर जळणार कसे!*

भजी तळणार कशी?*

*सौंदर्यावर भाळणार कसे?*

पोरं-टोरं तळयात-मळ्यात खेळणार कशी..?*

*तीळगूळ कसा खाणार?*

*टाळे कसे लावणार ?*

*बाळाला वाळे कसे घालणार....!*

*खुळखुळा कसा देणार?*

*घड्याळ नाही तर  सकाळी डोळे कसे उघडणार ?*

*घड्याळ बंद पडले तर पळ कोण मोजणार?*

*वेळ पाळणार कशी ?*

*मने जुळणार कशी ?*

खिळे कोण ठोकणार ?*

*तळे भरणार कसे ?*

नदी सागरला मिळणार कशी........!!*

*मनातली जखम भळाभळा वाहणार कशी?*

हिवाळा, उन्हाळा, पावसाळा....*

*नाही उन्हाच्या झळा*

*नाही त्या निळ्या*

*आभाळातून पागोळ्या खळाखळा....*!

*कळी कशी खुलणार ?*

*गालाला खळी कशी पडणार ?*

*फळा, शाळा मैत्रिणींच्या  गळ्यात गळा....*

*सगळे सारखे, कोण निराळा?*

*दिवाळी, होळी सणाचे काय......?*

*कडबोळी,पुरणपोळी  ओवाळणी पण नाही ?*

*तुम्ही काय चिंचपोकळीला रहाता ?*

*भोळा सांब ,*

*सावळा श्याम*

*जपमाळ नसेल तर  कुठून रामनाम ?*

*मातीची ढेकळे नांगरणार कोण?*

*ढवळे पवळे बैल जोततील कोण?*

*पन्हाळ्याची थंड हवा खाणार कोण ?*

*निळे आकाश, पिवळा चाफा...*

*माळ्याच्या कष्टाने फळा फुलांनी बहरलेला मळा !*

नारळ, केळ, जांभूळ, आवळा,*

*नवर्‍याला बावळट बोलणार कसे*

काळा कावळा,  पांढरा बगळा*

*ओवळ्या बकुळीचा गजरा माळावा कसा*

*अळी मिळी गुपचिळी, बसेल कशी दांतखिळी?*

*नाही भेळ,*

*नाही मिसळ,*

*नाही जळजळ*

*नाही मळमळ*

*नाही तारुण्याची सळसळ*

*पोळ्या लाटल्या जाणार नाहीत.....*

*टाळ्या आता वाजणार नाहीत.....!*

*जुळी तीळी होणार नाहीत.......!!*

बाळंतविडे बनणार नाहीत......!!*

*तळमळ कळकळ वाटणार नाही....!!*

*काळजी कसलीच उरणार नाही...!!!*

*पाठबळ कुणाचे मिळणार नाही*

*सगळेच बळ निघून जाईल,*

*काळ आला होता पण वेळ आली नव्हती*

*पण काहीच कळेनासे होईल 'ळ' शिवाय !*

 *फूल्ल* घेतली आहेस ना मग संपव ती"

"नको जाणार नाही आई"

"मग *क्वाँर्टर* तरी घे"

मी डोकाऊन आश्चर्याने पाहिले.एका *इंग्लिश मिडियमच्या* मुलाला त्याची आई चतकोर पोळी तरी खा असा आग्रह करत होती.

अशा सर्व *मम्यांना* मराठी भाषादिनाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा   

आपल्या घरी आलेल्या मैत्रिणींसमोर, 

रूबाबाने आपल्याला इंग्लिश 

बोलता येते हे 

दाखविण्यासाठी सुनिल ने

घरच्या कुत्र्याला बिस्कीट दिले 

आणि म्हणाला,

टेक… टॉमी, टेक'.._

आणि *टॉमी जाऊन भिंतीला टेकला.*

    टॉमील मराठी भाषेचा अभिमान होता..*”मराठी भाषा दिना”* च्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा

सोमवार, 24 फ़रवरी 2025

Today’s Tip !! Life Moves Ahead !!

 Every day we move ahead in life. We are not today which we were yesterday. We are not today which we were years ago. Many years many months and days, hours and minutes,moments are including in our past.These years months days are full of incidents and experiences. Some are good to remember some are sad and some are bitter we won’t like to remember. These bitter moments containing our acts of foolishness or innocence, failures regarding relationships, being ditched by someone or getting losses because of some people. Today’s regrets can’t correct them, because it was past, and it was written by the in removable ink, big people, always say, forget them and move on, because it is never changed, so one should only remember the lessons of own mistakes and never repeat the same mistake again. We feel restless when we today realise that someone took advantage of your goodness or your trust. And your goodness or innocence couldn’t be abolished by one time deceiving experience, might be two three or a series of bad experiences, by might be your friends or so called relatives. Today when you are matured and look back you might feel pity on your acts of foolishness. When we are young we follow move on type of sentence, when we are growing old. Each morning we feel one day is deducted from total days of your life, your age has added one more day , your energy strength is being deducted every day. Whatever assets you have collected throughout your lifetime are soon going to become useless for you and collection of Jewellery ,lots of designer dresses or costly sarees in your cupboard are not worth wearing for you because look at you ,in the mirror, how you are looking now, those dresses won’t suit you. Gradually share them with your youngsters, be happy seeing them wearing your things. Keep money with you because money is the key opens many and most important doors of life, specially at this age you can buy services for you. !!

रविवार, 23 फ़रवरी 2025

Laughter !!


A man gently knocked on the Interview Room door. 

"May I come in Sir"?

One of the Panel Members said .. "Come in".

The Man tried to speak, but he was asked to sit first. So he sat in a Chair facing the Panel Members. 

One of them asked, 

"What do you think of this Room ?"

"Very nicely furnished Sir. A nice Carpet,  Window Screen, a Board, Projector, White Screen. Great Sir".

"Did you not notice that small paper bundled thrown on the floor? Does it not spoil the ambience?"

"Sir I noticed it as soon as I entered this room. If I say something about this the man who threw this will feel awkward. It was thrown by the person sitting second from left. You can just see the scribbling pad on his table. The pad still has some  bit of paper from that bundle because it was not properly torn along the perforations".

"Good observation. Will you just ask the sweeper woman outside to come in and clean this?"

"'Yes Sir. Her name, Sir?"

There was silence. 

"OK Sir. I think no one here knows her name. Any way I shall get her here Sir".

He  went out and asked the name of the sweeper from the Peon sitting outside. 

He called her 

"Bhavani, please come and clean this Interview Room".

The interview resumed.

"You are doing fine. You respect the people who ever they are. Now can you tell me which one of us is the Boss?"

'"Yes Sir. Two of you are just watching this without intervening. One of the two is the Finance man who will step in only while negotiating the salary. The other one is the Director of this whole Play and he is the HR man. The man sitting at the end is just smiling and talking occasionally to you. He is the Boss. Though the person sitting in the centre gets a lot of attention from all of you so that I get confused that he is the boss".

"Splendid. You meet all our requirements.  Just wait outside for a while so that you can collect your Appointment Order".

"No more questions Sir? 

Like what is the height of Patel Statue, where was President Murmu MLA earlier etc etc?"

"No more questions need to be asked.  We only want your name to be confirmed. You are Mr Giridhar from Hyderabad. Is it not?"


"Then WHO ARE you?"

"Sir I am Prakash FROM THE CANTEEN. 


It was nice Sir. I enjoyed it. 

Now will you please tell me the number of cups of Tea and Coffee to be brought here".

A pin-drop silence all over the room

Laughter !!


Whatsapp Exchange 

Boy Hi

Girl Hello

Boy Where are you, darling...?

Girl - I am in my car with my dad. Dad's BMW has gone for servicing and hence I am using the Mercedes today to go around. We are going to the club. From there, we will go the jewelry shop. They called me yesterday saying that they received a new collection of gold and diamond jewellery and have blocked a few updated designer jewellery sets for me to purchase. I will drop dad back at home after that. 

I will call you at that time. We can meet after I drop dad. Where are you?

Boy : I am in the town bus sitting in the 4th row behind you. Don't purchase ticket, I have already purchased it for you....!!

शनिवार, 22 फ़रवरी 2025

Today’s Tip !! Backbone !!

 I usually think whose work is more important ? Male’s or Female’s ? I don’t think I am able to decide. Our Indian basic family structure used to base on division of works between husband’s & wife’s works. Right from the beginning of human development it was said “ Man goes out to bring crops and firewood and female cooks food” till today this is followed by the society except some exceptions. Time changed , females get educated and started doing jobs equal to males, started earning somewhere more than males. But at home, she is the home maker, how flour converts into chapatis or paranthas and uncooked vegetables are served as delicious edibles in plates on dining table. Will get clean and washed clothes and everything organised in cupboards and kitchen. Even if a maid comes to wash utensils and cleaning floors, hundreds of works are there in the house. Bringing up children is the most important and biggest task of life, Dads of course provide money for education, but day to day works of the children, waking up early in the morning to get them ready for the school,dropping them to the school bus stop and bringing them from the bus stop,get their homework done, waking them up at the exam time, and many more works till they go to the college are done by Moms.They are always there to serve if someone is sick in the house but they bear most of their pains without sharing with anyone.They are always ready to entertain the surprise guests which is definitely extra work for them.  

शुक्रवार, 21 फ़रवरी 2025

Laughter !!


एक "ENT"डॉक्टर ने एक गाँव में क्लीनिक खोला।

उसी गाँव के 'झोला छाप डॉक्टर' अपने गाँव के मरीजों को समझा रहे थे ताकि उनका महत्व कम न हो,वो बोले....

"हमारे गाँव में एक नए डॉक्टर आ रहे है। हम तो समझदार थे जोकि 2 साल में ही पढ़ के आ गए।

मगर ये जो नए डाक्टर आए हैं, इन्हें सरकार ने 5 साल पढ़ाया।"

नहीं पढ़ पाए तो सरकार ने फिर 3 साल और पढ़ाया।

फिर भी जब नहीं पढ़ पाए तो सरकार ने कहा..

"तुम खाली 'नाक-कान-गला तक ही पढ़ लो। बाकी तुम्हारे बस का नहीं है।"

स्कूल में टीचर बच्चों को सामान्य ज्ञान का विषय पढ़ा रही थी और पढ़ाने के बाद बारी-बारी से सभी बच्चों से सवाल पूछ रही थी। जब चिंटू की बारी आई...

टीचरः बताओ चिंटू, भारत में इलेक्ट्रिसिटी के तार ऊंचाई पर क्यों लगाए जाते हैं?

चिंटूः वह इसलिए क्योंकि अगर तार नीचे होंगे तो हमारे देश की महिलाएं उस पर कपड़े सुखाने लग जाएंगी।

हवाई जहाज में दुनिया के सभी लोगो को मनचाही शराब दी जायेगी लेकिन भारतीयों को कभी नही..

इसका रीजन जानते हो क्यों..?

हवाई जहाज में 4-5 पैग मारने के बाद अलग-अलग देशों के लोगों की प्रतिक्रियाए..

इंग्लैंड :-I will Sleep Now...

अमरीका :- I Want to Work on Internet...

जर्मनी : -I Will Listen to Music Now...

चीन :-I Will Watch Movies Now...

भारतीय : -हवाई जहाज अब तुम्हारा ये भाई चलाएगा...

Amazing !!

 Let's take a journey through time and explore what life was like 500 years ago. Social Structure 1. *Feudal System*: Society was organi...

Grandma Stories Detective Dora},Dharm & Darshan,Today's Tip !!