मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

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शनिवार, 14 जनवरी 2017

Grandma's Stories--918--Sinhasan Batteesi !! { 25}

25---Next day When King Bhoj went to sit on King Vikramaditya’s throne twenty fifth female statue Jai Lakshmi stopped him.Jai Lakshmi began her story---Once upon a time there lived a clown and a Bramhin in Ujjayani .Both of them were poor and grown up daughters eligible for marriage.One day Clown’s wife said,”Now we need money for our daughter’s marriage”
The Clown said,” I work hard every day to earn more money but never succeed.Have faith in GOD he will solve every thing.
Bramhin and his wife were also worried for their daughter’s marriage,His wife said ,” I wish our daughter is married very soon” I also want the same said the Bramhin.I have talked many rich people.If I get a chance to do {Puja aur Yagya }holy prayers there,I can get quite good money for her marriage.
Next day the Clown went to the neighbouring kingdom for work,he earned there a lot,in the evening when he was returning back home,some thives robbed his money,he came home ant told his wife about the robbery ,he said,” We can get only whatever GOD has planned to give us,neither more nor less.He will solve every thing.
Oh! All the time you recite GOD’S name would he come here like a king and help us.
“May be”The Clown replied.At the same time King Vikramaditya was passing through,he heard their conversation.He heard every thing and moved ahead.On his way he also heard the conversation between Bramhin and his wife.Wife said,” Now there is no hope from any where,Why don’t you go and ask King for help.I am sure he will help you.” Bramhin agreed said ,”I will go there tomorrow”
Next day King Vikramaditya called the Bramhin and the Clown in the court,” he asked minister to give money to the Clown so that he can spend on daughter’s marriage lavishly and give Bramhin the money required for his daughter’s marriage.
The minister gave one lack gold coins to the Clown ,and the amount required to the Bramhin.They took money Thanked king and went home.
One of the courtier was watching all this asked the King,” Your Majesty ! You gave much more amount to the Clown that he needed,and to the Bramhin only what was required.Why is so ?
King Vikramaditya told every thing and said,” The Clown has great faith in GOD,and GOD takes great care of his followers,And Bramhin has great faith in me,so I helped the bramhin like a king.

Jailakshmi asked,” Do you have quality of recognising person’s nature ? If yes only then you can sit on this throne.” Raja Bhoj moved back.

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