मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

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रविवार, 15 जनवरी 2017

Grandma's Stories--920--Sinhasan Batteesi !!{ 27}

27---Next day King Bhoj again went to sit on King Vikramaditya’s throne while Malyavati the twenty seventh female statue asked,” Why are you in hurry to sit on this throne ? Listen the story and decide---
King Vikramaditya was a great scholar.He had many religious books in his palace,and he used to read them whenever he got time.
One day he read about King Bali the grandson of Prahlad.
Once Lord Vishnu wanted to test Bali.He took the form of a dwarf and asked king bali three Fts.of land in alms.With his two Fts only Lord Vishnu covered the whole Universe ,When there was no space left for third foot,Bali presented his head to the GOD.
After reading this King Vikramaditya decided to meet Bali,so he handed over the Kingdom to trustworthy ministers and went to meditate Lord Vishnu.He did hard Tapasya {Prayer}At first he ate only once a day,then began to eat only fruits,then only water,then nothing ,he became weak.
One more Saint was sitting near him and was doing meditation,he went to him and said,” You are a king your work is to look after your people.”
King Vikramaditya did not reply,and continued,one day he fainted.
When he became conscious the saint said,”Meditation is not for you it is for us.”but king did not listen to him ,next day again fainted,this time when he became conscious he found himself in Lord Vishnu’s lap.He said,” I am pleased with your prayers,ask ,What do you want ?I have heard about King Bali,I want to meet him,Please show me the way to his Palace.
Lord Vishnu gave him a conch and said,” When you blow it,it will show you the way to {Patal Lok}
With the help of the Conch King Vikramaditya reached the main entrance of King Bali’s palace,King Vikramaditya sent many messages to King Bali,but he refused to meet him.”
Then king Vikramaditya said,”If King Bali does not see me I will Sacrifice myself ,he beheaded himself with own sword,King Bali heard this quickly came sprinkled some holy water,and King Vikramaditya came to life again.He said I have heard and read about you so came to meet you.King Bali welcomed him.After spending some days,he decide to return back to his Kingdom King Bali presented him a precious gem which could fulfil all wishes.King Bali said,” I am happy to meet a brave and kind king like you.”
Way back home King Vikramaditya met a woman,her husband died and she was weeping ,with the help of the gem he became alive again.

Malyavati asked “Are you equal to king Vikramaditya and eligible to sit on his throne ? Raja Bhoj moved back.

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