मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

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रविवार, 15 जनवरी 2017

Grandma's Stories--922--Sinhasan Batteesi !! { 29 }

Next Morning king Bhoj again went to sit on King Vikramaditya’s throne when Twenty Ninth Female Statu Manawati stopped him She began a story---
One evening King Vikramaditya was roaming around the river bank he heard a loud cry for help,He looked around,he saw two people were drowning in the river,King Vikramaditya quickly dived into the river and saved them,brought them to the shore.
When King Vikramaditya asked them about the accident the man said,”We were travelling in a boat with our family,Suddenly the boat overturned in the water,and all our family members were drowned.Only two of us are survived .We live in Saranga Kingdom.I am Devkant and she is my sister Devkanta.”king Vikramaditya said,I promise to do arrangements for your back home journey but just now you are my guests.”Then he brought both of them to the palace.When they arrived to the palace then they could know that they are guests of King Vikramaditya.They began to live in the palace.Devkanta was beautiful,her brother wanted her to get married with King Vikramaditya.
He went to king Vikramaditya and said,”Your Majesty I am worried about my sister’s marriage.”King Vikramaditya said,”Don’t worry Devkanta is like a sister to me.I am also worried about her marriage.If there is any suitable groom let me know”said the King.
Devkant felt very sorry for his thought and apologised for that by telling the truth.He then said,”Your Majesty ! Once Prince of Udaygiri proposed to get married with Devkanta.At that time our financial condition was good so we refused.”
King asked the Royal Priest to go to Udaygiri with marriage proposal and lots of wealth and valuables.But he returned back soon and said he was robbed by four thieves.
King Vikramaditya was amazed to hear about presence of robbers in his Kingdom,so he decided to catch the robbers.Next day he again sent the Royal Priest under protection of some soldiers.
That evening King Vikramaditya reached the place where the Royal Priest was robbed,in ordinary man’s getup.He saw four people were talking to each other.He requested them to include him in their gang,they thought,he is King’s spy and refused.
King Vikramaditya said,”Friends don’t get scared,I am a thief,and I know you all are thieves,I just wanted to learn some new techniques of robbery.”
One of them said,”We don’t include strangers in our gang.We all have different specialities ,what is yours ?
King Vikramaditya said,”First you tell me about your specialities,The first thief said,The second thief said” I calculate the right time to rob,I can understand the speech of birds and animals.”Third said,”I have quality to be invisible during robbery”The forth said,”I have a special machine,when I tie it on my body I don’t feel pain”.
They took The King at sword point and he had to give them many valuable things,but when they were running,soldiers caught them.
They were brought in front of King Vikramaditya,King said,You all are geniuses,but promise me ,you all will stop doing thefts robberies and all bad deeds.”They all promised,King included them in his army.Next day Royal Priest came back with good news that Devkanta’s marriage was fixed with the Prince of Udaygiri.

Female statue Manawati asked,” Do you have such qualities like King Vikramaditya ? Raja Bhoj moved back. 

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