मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

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रविवार, 15 जनवरी 2017

Grandma's Stories--925--Sinhasan Batteesi !! { 32}

Next day King Bhoj again went to that room where the judgemane seat of Vikramaditya {His throne }was kept.
The Thirty Second Female statue Roopmati said,” I am the queen of all these female statues.Today You are not looking exited to sit on the throne ?
After listening all stories narrated by all the female statues I decided not to sit on this throne,Only a king powerful like Vikramaditya can sit on it..I have decided to burry it.”
Listening this all the statues came out from the throne and stood behind the queen.Roopmati said “ We all are pleased with your decision.Do you know we are all chief attendants of GODDESS Parvati.One day we saw Lord Shiva and started staring at his celestial appearance, she { Parvati} also saw us,she cursed us to become statue in human form of Lord Indra’s throne.We requested,prayed,begged to take back the curse” Then she said,” Lord Indra will give this throne to King Vikramaditya,and and hundred of years later this throne will reach to King Bhoj,he will try to sit on it,we all one by one will tell him stories about King Vikramaditya,If he listens to your stories carefully you will be free from your curse.
She said ,” King Bhoj ! You freed us from our curse,so you are also as generous as King Vikramaditya ,now we are leaving,we will pray for your success.
All the female statues vanished.King Bhoj buried the throne at the same place in front of grat scholars and priests.
Once again Chandrabhan the shepherd boy started giving judgements and people from far away place also started coming.

One day a gang of thieves decided to steal the throne.They built a tunnel,they took it to the forest,they decided to brake it and share the parts equally,but it begane sparkle,they got scared,then they decided to sell it .They went to Shrawasti to sell it,and sold it for sixty thousand gold coins to Shrawasti’s ruler.The King asked the Royal Priest to find a good time to sit on the Throne.This news spread all over,King Bhoj also heard about it,hes soldiers dug the land ,but throne was not there.He went to meet Shrawasti’s king,and got surprised to see the throne there,he told the whole story to the king,he consulted many astrologers,priests,scholars,and wise men,all said”This throne has lost its celestial value after being sold,so now it should be submerged in water,so it was submerged in river Cauvery.

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