This was a complicated case for Police because crimes happened at two places and later on found two parts of one case.Two persons Mohan Verma and Pradeep Mishra were wearing a dress like a space ship astronaut reached in an office,Some people watched them going inside, then they closed the door, in just 5 minutes later they felt the scarcity of Oxygen and fell down unconscious. A girl Mithila Sharma was living in a village, she was a studious girl, Rakesh Gupta her teacher had a relationship with her and she had a relationship with one young boy Nimish Ahuja. Police started investigating the first matter as some people peeped from the window and saw the two persons falling on the floor,Police opened the door forcefully, Ambulance took both the persons to the hospital.Mithila's one friend informed police about her relationship with the teacher. police inquired from both. Mithila was missing and 10 Lacs of rupees were missing which villagers gave her father for her marriage as they were poor. Gas leakage was the reason of both the Astronauts looking persons unconsciousness.Dora took Mithila's number,from her parents,Nimish Ahuja was there and worried for Mithila,Dora took Rakesh Gupta's number from his college as he was also absent.When both the mobiles were kept on Mobile surveillance,Dora found at the same location.Police team reached some miles away from the village,A house was located quite isolated,Police team knocked,The teacher Rakesh Gupta opened the door he got scared seeing Police and wanted to run away but caught,Mithila was found inside teacher's house.Both of them were brought to the police station,In her statement Mithila said ,During Tuitions,he gave me cold drink mixed drowsy drug and then he made vulgar video with me and started blackmailing me he threatened me to upload that video on socil net working sites,I couldn't even tell this to Nimish and my parents.He forced me to bring those 10 lacs,I gave that money to him,Police recovered that money, the teacher took 20 Lacs from one person as dealer,for land,he introduced those astronauts as NASA scientists. Those persons were called to do acting as astronauts,they were in search of producers and films. The agent { teacher}vanished.He had not given the full payment even to those persons acting as astronauts.Only Rakesh Gupta was behind all these crimes.Criminal cases were filed against him.
मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts
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