मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

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सोमवार, 23 दिसंबर 2019

Grandma's stories--1531--Detective Dora !! {481}

Two young girls Nikita Barua and NishigandhaTripathi were waiting for an auto.One auto reached there. Driver was Ramesh Mahto.He had come to this big city to earn money. He brought his wife Kamla and a little child Babbu with him.He could arrange a little room { Kholi}for living where other more his village people were living and doing the same work. All of them used to take Auto on rent and they had to pay a fixed amount to the owner Shriniwas Reddy,He had a big garage,from where every one had to take his auto and put back his auto in the evening.It was a quite big garage.Almost all the drivers from one state so in the evening they used to stay there for some time and chat before going back home.
Ramesh stopped near both the girls and asked them where they want to go. They entered in and asked him to drop them at Surya Society.When the auto reached there,they said they have 2 thousand Rs. note so he will have to go with them to their flat to get money. There was no option.The girls asked the guard to take care of the auto and they entered in the lift and reached 10th floor. Nikita opened the lock and they entered. She then asked him to sit on the sofa, Ramesh said," Give me money and I will go back" But Nikita said," Sit and drink a glass of water then go"She then went in,She came out in a minute and suddenly hugged him,and Nishigandha was making video. He wanted to get rid of her grip,She then threatened him and took out all the money {About 2  thousand Rs}from his pocket and said" Never try to report it to the police,I have got your video I will upload it on social networking site,and also show it to your wife." He said," I won't tell anyone and he ran away.
In the evening he was sad.He didn't have money to give Shriniwas Reddy,he borrowed money from his friend Raghu,quite close to him. When they were returning back,Ramesh told him about the incident.He suggested to report to the Police but he didn't agree. Gradually such incidents happened to many other drivers same way Taxi Drivers,Taking them to their flats that they don't have change, and there in flat they used to start shouting that the taxi driver was trying to rape them. The guard was supporting them and deleting the cctv footage.
When such incidents happened to many they planned to trap the girls.When they hired one auto,four more auto drivers entered and they brought them to the garage. Then they reached to the police station and reported together. Dora Rohan and the Police team came there,Then all of them went to the flat they were living,Dora found many phones,money,jewellery,and videos in their phones. The guard was also arrested and criminal cases were filed against the three criminals.

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