मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

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गुरुवार, 26 दिसंबर 2019

Grandma's stories---1533--Detective Dora !! {483}

This is Rupali Aggarwal case,She loved Rocky Desouza. Daddy Prashant Aggarwal didn't like this.Rupali Aggarwal was very rich,She found hurt in her own car,near Rcky Desouza's garageOne passer by saw and called police,Police team arrived there with Police photographer and Ambulance ,She was sent to the hospital. When Police tried to reach her family found that all her family members mother Meeta Aggarwal ,father Prashant Aggarwal ,brother Rupak Aggarwal vanished.Rupak and Rupali were brother sister.
Rupali's daddy's property was about 7 crores.Daddy's younger brother Sushant Aggarwal and his son Shyamak Aggarwal were suspects in Dora's view,She asked Rohan and the Police Party and all the informers to keep keen eye on both of them.
Dora came to know about Rupali's love affair with Rocky Desouza so she went to Rocky's garage ,One 17 years boy Shubham Singh was working in Rocky Desouza's  garage.He wrote every thing in a notebook, When Dora reached there he was not there but Dora found the notebook .One more young man Shrikant Saini . worked in his garage,but he was also sad,He didn't reply ,he said ," I don't know anything about all this"
Rupali Aggarwal was under treatment and all her family members were vanished, Dora now concentrated on Sushant Aggarwal and his son Shyamak Aggarwal. Aggarwals were very rich and there were 2 CCTV cameras covering front gate and one was covering back side gate ,Dora was surprised there was no footage found. She then asked the Police team to search all of them inside the bungalow.It was a tough work to find a hidden basement which was built by Prashant Aggarwal himself, Prashant and Sushant inherited their shares ten years ago. Prashant did hard work and increased money,Sushant was under pressure of big debt. POne day by mistake Prashant showed his basement to Shyamak and his brain created a conspiracy ,he described that to daddy and he also agreed, He brought some sweets and distributed to Prashant Aggarwal,Meeta Aggarwal and Rupak Aggarwal,drowsy drug was mixed  in that sweets ,he then shifted all of them to the basement. Rupali was not at home that time so he went to see her,and she was coming back, he stopped her and hit her hard in the car and left her there. But he was wrong the property couldn't be transferred till the family found dead. and so he was trapped in the trap made by him.There were hidden stairs inside the cupboard .All the members rescued.Sushant and Shyamak were arrested and criminal cases were filed against them.Prashant agreed for Rockyand Rupali's marriage.

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