मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

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I love writing,and want people to read me ! I some times share good posts for readers.

रविवार, 29 दिसंबर 2019

Grandma's stories--1537--Detective Dora !!_487}

Nilesh Prajapati accepted partnership offer in a medicine business with one friend Subodh Jagtap,because Subodh Jagtap was going to jail for some time,because some duplicate medicines found in his shop.Nilesh Prajapati took care of his wife Neena Jagtap and son Guddu Jagtap ,younger brother Sukesh Jagtap and younger sister Shrimaya Jagtap. All of them didn't like him because of his boss type behaviour,sister Shrimaya Jagtap was in love with a boy Mayank Desai whom the brother Subodh Jagtap didn't like.
One morning Elder brother Subodh Jagtap found seriously hurt, his younger brother and then sister in their own bedrooms, the maid when arrived saw this and called the police.Wife Neena Jagtap was  ,Police found the friend  Nilesh Prajapati Suspicious.
Dora found this case tough comparative to other cases.
She went to Shrimaya and Sukesh Jagtap's college.Both of them were studying in same college.She talked to their friends. She came to know about Shrimaya's love affair with Mayank Desai,and Subodh Jagtap didn't like this relationship.But it was not the reason,Dora met Mayank Desai too. He was sad about what had happened to Shrimaya.
Two brothers and one sister were in hospital.Struggling for life.
Dora concentrated on Nilesh Prajapati.She asked Subodh Jagtap's neighbourhood ladies about Nilesh Prajapati.All of them smiled and then disclosed that When Subodh Jagtap was in jail ,Nilesh was Whole and soul of the family.Subodh was in jail for three years and Nilesh was living in his house as he is all alone in the world.
Dora's informers brought information that Nilesh previously was going to a brothel.Dora asked police team to bring him to the police station for interrogation.At first he didn't confess,but during hard ints,there brother disclosed when his friend was in jail  he had relationship with his wife and Guddu is his son,he confessed his crime.He said,"When I told this to Subodh Jagtap he got angry,his brother and sister also arrived to help him and to attack,I had to stop them for self protactation and I hurt them kept in their own bedrooms and went away. Criminal case was filed against him.

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