मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

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बुधवार, 8 जनवरी 2020

Grandma's stories--1517-- Detective Dora !! { 466}

        A young man Subhash Gurjar was found seriously hurt by the side of high way.A bus driver saw him and informed Police. Police Officer asked him to stay there. Within fifteen minutes the police team reached at the crime scene with police photographer and ambulance.No ID proof found near him. Dora also took some photographs off him and forwarded them to all her and other police informers living around.
She received a phone just after posting that photograph. He was Naresh the efficient informer of her Police team.He said He knew the man. Dora called him to the office.
He came and said ,"After Sewarams death,who was working as a clerk in government's rationing department his son " This man" named Subhash got the job as Sewaram suddenly died by a heart attack.He had one son Subhash and one daughter Rani.Subhash is elder brother and Rani is younger sister. Subash did engineering course from town's renowned college, But he didn't need to struggle for finding job"
Dora went to the hospital. She saw Rani there. She was weeping and replied all questions Dora came to know Rani did her graduation as a private student.Father's death was a great shock for both of them.She was unmarried and marriage of a girl is a very tough work in her state,as
In Kurukshetra sometimes one bride gets  married to all the unmarried persons of one house,is the worst thing. First reason was that the girls ratio is less than male ratio,and second reason is that there won't be any type of property dispute.It is the fortune of most of the girls .These days the government is promoting saving girl child and educate girl child and it is improving now
According to government's rule Son can get the government job in place of his father if the late person does not have any Son then the job will be given to his daughter.
Dora concentrated on this point she asked Rani to accompany her,She looked scared ,Dora took her to the Police station and just said ," Why did you do this ? She started crying loudly she said my brother is quite educated,he could get any other job,I  wanted to get that job,brother got  all money property,love affection. { It happens in most of families in India}
I felt jealous and asked Kundan to hit him hard."Who is Kundan ?" He is a poor orphan servant deaf and dumb works in our house." He was also arrested and criminal case was filed against both of them.

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