मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

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I love writing,and want people to read me ! I some times share good posts for readers.

रविवार, 19 जनवरी 2025

Today’s Tip !! Life - different angles !!

In this world each one has different life different statuses, different circumstances, different physical and mental statuses and different views towards problems and different ways to solve them. I have mine and you have yours. Sometimes we face a very rare situation, in which many feelings one by one effects our brain,A deep  sorrow at a time and with this grief we  might feel angry too while we are blamed for something we don’t think we are ,realising the real reason of our sorrow that whatever we did , sacrificed whole life for someone, suddenly it was declared a big zero by the same person, We are thrown away, & Surprisingly we feel extremely happy with this freedom we feel we have escaped from the grip which could again become a reason of our unavoidable stress. One more feeling also raise head at the same time, we ask ourselves, are we really guilty? Is the person blamed us is guilty? At last we look at the GOD‘s Idol, almighty GOD knows each and every thing , he has everyone’s pass book with him , he notes down everyone’s good and bad deeds, and according to GOD’s law everyone has to receive or pay for his good or bad deeds ( Karma) it is also said that one has to repay according to his karma in next birth. Geeta says siblings or relatives, neighbours ,surrounding people,some of them play the role of friends and some of them play the role of foe according to each one’s karma he did in previous life. So we can’t change this , only what we should  do is to do good to all at least to those who need your help. It might weigh your goodness in GOD’s passbook, and one day your goodness might take you towards “ Moksha “ ( End of life and death series continuity) which is the one and only aim of we all human beings. We worship, we do donations, we help poor, try not to hurt anyone because we all aim “ Moksha” at the end. Life is not too long, and we can’t take even a single paisa to another world after our death. Then we should make the life meaningful by doing good works !! 

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