At that time Dora was just two and half years old,while her parents found a special talent in her.One day Mom lost her keys bunch.All the important keys were attached to that bunch. Neither she could open her Almirah for money,or daddy's office files,nor the Wardrobe could be opened for her own Dora's or Daddy's office clothes.Dora was sleeping at that time.She woke up by Daddy's big voice,he was very angry.He was getting late Mummy was searching all over.Dora heard the word Keys and she understood why both of them were disturbed for.She got down from the bed,hold Mom's finger,and pulled her towards the backyard,there was a small kitchen garden there.Mummy yesterday dropped her keys under Olive's tree while she was trimming the grass by grass cutting machine.In the Noisy sound of that machine she couldn't hear the dropping of keys.Dora took her Mom exactly where the Keys were laying on the ground.Mom became so happy,she picked her up in lap and kissed her.She quickly went in opened the Almirah and Wardrobe.She told every thing to Daddy also.Daddy became very happy,and hugged Dora,kissed her.Both the parents were amazed,Dora even couldn't speak clearly but Understanding things was brilliant.
मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts
- I love writing,and want people to read me ! I some times share good posts for readers.
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