The phone was ringing.Dora picked it up.The Police Chief was on the other side,known to Dora.He said ," Last night a theft was done in a Jewellery shop,All the Jewellery was looted .When the crime was reported and police people reached there to investigate,they found a wallet was laying on the floor.The Police people asked about it but the owner and the staff did not know about it. An identity card was found in it. It was Mr.Turner's card.He was living in the neighbourhood and working as an officer in income tax department.He was living alone and it was not at all believable his any role in that theft,but all proofs were against him and so He was charged of that theft and caught by the police.He had heard and read about Dora and her friends' achievement so he requested to call Dora.Dora became happy and agreed.She reached there and met him.He was very depressed.She said,"Don't worry,If you are not culprit I will definitely prove that"He felt satisfied then".
Dora started asking him questions.Where was he last night / Does he have any proof ? When and Where the Wallet was lost ? What is the connection between him and the Jewellery shop owner ? Does he know each one of the staff working there ? Did he have any argument with any one of the staff or the owner.?
She noted down each answer.He saw his wallet in the evening and kept it in the drawer of the dressing table as usual.He was in the office up to 6 in the evening.He does not have any proof of being home except his house keeper Helga,as she was cooking food and left his home late evening.He does not know the staff members but he had an argument with the owner as he dashed and damaged Mr.Turner's boundary wall when he was parking.In his argument he threatened the Owner," I know you well I can arrange a raid to unfold your reality"
Dora then went out,She got the address of Helga.She went to her house.Talked her.She said she does not know any thing about the theft.Dora said "Ok" she went out and hid herself,After few minutes,Helga came out and locked her door,she was walking fast towards the Jewellery shop.Dora was following her.When Helga went in,Dora's Video Camera was on,and she recorded the whole thing,called the Police Chief.
Actually Helga was asking money from the Owner.She was saying ,"I stole the Wallet and you could successfully execute the plan and trap Mr.Turner"
Police team arrived quickly,arrested both of them,the complete Jewellery was found in shop's hidden basement.This way Dora disclosed the case of fake Theft.Mr.Turner came out and Thanked Dora,he also gave her a cheque of handsome amount.
Dora started asking him questions.Where was he last night / Does he have any proof ? When and Where the Wallet was lost ? What is the connection between him and the Jewellery shop owner ? Does he know each one of the staff working there ? Did he have any argument with any one of the staff or the owner.?
She noted down each answer.He saw his wallet in the evening and kept it in the drawer of the dressing table as usual.He was in the office up to 6 in the evening.He does not have any proof of being home except his house keeper Helga,as she was cooking food and left his home late evening.He does not know the staff members but he had an argument with the owner as he dashed and damaged Mr.Turner's boundary wall when he was parking.In his argument he threatened the Owner," I know you well I can arrange a raid to unfold your reality"
Dora then went out,She got the address of Helga.She went to her house.Talked her.She said she does not know any thing about the theft.Dora said "Ok" she went out and hid herself,After few minutes,Helga came out and locked her door,she was walking fast towards the Jewellery shop.Dora was following her.When Helga went in,Dora's Video Camera was on,and she recorded the whole thing,called the Police Chief.
Actually Helga was asking money from the Owner.She was saying ,"I stole the Wallet and you could successfully execute the plan and trap Mr.Turner"
Police team arrived quickly,arrested both of them,the complete Jewellery was found in shop's hidden basement.This way Dora disclosed the case of fake Theft.Mr.Turner came out and Thanked Dora,he also gave her a cheque of handsome amount.
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