मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

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शनिवार, 21 दिसंबर 2019

Grandma's stories--1528--Detective Dora !! { 478}

A womaniser boss Ajeet Maheshvari was missing. Had a wife Sudha Maheshvari and 19 years son Subodh Maheshvari . He had three girls Sweeti Takia,Nisha Kohli and Farheen Khan in his office and a boy Sumit Desai too. One of these girls Sweeti Takia was recently in relationship with a boy Sameer Upadhyay, who wanted to get married with her.She wanted to get rid of boss  Ajeet Maheshvari.Boss was previously involved with another girl Nisha Kohli who was now with the boy Umesh Verma working in office.
The boss Ajeet Maheshvari was missing.His wife Sudha Maheshvari lodged his complaint. Dora talked to her in details. She cam to know his weakness about women though he had a beautiful wife and 18 years old son Subodh Maheshvari.Police thought his wife ,his friend or his son might be suspects.
Dora Rohan and the Police team started working on this angle  but no Proof found against them.Dora understood there might be many enemies of Ajeet Maheshvari. He was a rich man and was in a relationship with girls work in his office.He was boss and they couldn't deny him they might belong to poor or middle class.lower middle class families. Earning money any how was their necessity.
Dora talked toNisha in details. Dora came to know about her own exploitation then she said now a days Boss was exploiting Sweeti Takia. She also said Sweeti is in a serious relationship with Sameer Upadhyay and wants to get married with him. She described him about her exploitation. Both of them are also absent Today.
Dora took their photographs and numbers. Their numbers were showing switched off.Their Parents were also worried. One of Sameer Upadhyay's friend was Rahul Jagya,Dora called him to the  Police station. He was scared ,He immediately told about Ajeet Maheshvari, Sameer Upahyay and Sweeti Takia.He guided Police team to that rented house where the three persons found. Ajeet Maheshvari was kidnapped by both of them and was kept there tied to the cot.All people came to the Police station.  Sweeti & Sameer were found culprits. Because boss threatened Sweeti to upload their vulgar videos on social networking site. Ajeet Maheshvari was the biggest criminal. Criminal cases were filed against all of them according to their crimes.

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