मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

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रविवार, 22 दिसंबर 2019

Grandma's stories--1529---Detective Dora !! { 479}

A little girl Karishma Das wanted to buy a Doll.Her father Madhukar Das used to be busy in his work. She took 50 rupees note from mummy Sumedha Das and went to buy the Doll, She bought a doll and didn't reach back.
 Her fatherMadhukar Das was at work that time. When Karishma didn't come back mother Sumedha called her husband Madhukar Das and informed him.He was very angry by nature,so got angry,He came back and searched all over but didn't find her. The shopkeeper confirmed that she came and bought the Doll and went back. Then where she had gone.He rushed to the Police station and lodged her missing complaint. Dora Rohan and the Police team reached to the Sangam society.
In this society there were 16 flats,ground floor was for parking and other four floors containing four flats at each floor.As Madhukar was angry by nature he used to scold young boys of society for making noise in the society ground, Playing cricket, Football, in the ground , breaking window glasses,so there were many enemies.Dora came to know all this by talking to some residents.  
One of them Subodh Goyal had given fake marriage certificate and got a flat in society and started living with a girlfriend Sheena Sengar,Madhukar Das was the secretary of society 
 so he scolded both of them when he came to know this and kicked them out.
A girl Meenakshee Ayyar broke up the relationship with Manoj Rawat so the boy was frustrated. He requested again and again not to break but Meenakshee was adamantly denied him. Both of them were living in the same society.
Dora talked to all the families living there.When she reached at Manoj Rawat's flat and when Manoj Rawat opened the door. He looked nervous,His parents were not there,they had gone to another town to attend a marriage. Dora asked police team to do a search inside the flat.And she guessed right,Karishma was laying on the bed inside,seriously hurt,She was immediately rescued and sent to the hospital.She was raped. Manoj Rawat was arrested and serious criminal case was filed against him.

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