मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

मेरी फ़ोटो
I love writing,and want people to read me ! I some times share good posts for readers.

मंगलवार, 24 सितंबर 2024

Today’s Tip !! Amazing change !!

One year ago I had been to London as usual, I was in the market waiting for a shop to open. The owner started talking to me. I had seen the change in British and European’s view towards Indians after Modi government. They now respect Indians, they themselves wave hand to wish an Indian living in neighbourhood whether he is  not a friend familiar, or a known person.I started visiting U.K. from 2002 and up to my previous visit I visited ten times along with an Europe tour with complete family.In my second trip we had been to Scotland with family, from Newport. We used to visit local markets people were quite friendly with us but during this Scotland visit there was a bomb blast on 29th June 2007, when we were back we found a great change in behaviour of those shopkeepers who were quite friendly to us.but in my previous visit of 2023 January it was a drastic change in their views. The person was saying “ India is zooming now a days, and that county will be at the top which masters in technology. He himself was a physicist and was continuously appreciating India’s digital advancement. I twice asked him “ Shall I leave now ? But he ignored that and continued talking. I will never forget the man named Richard, I felt proud to be an Indian at that time,I felt proud to have a prime minister like Narendra Modi. One more experience I would like to share. Me and my husband used to go for a walk there. My husband was ready and standing outside while I was wearing shoes. A neighbourhood  couple who was standing near their car waved hand towards my husband, my husband couldn’t understand why he was waving hand , it’s completely new and unexpected experience, still my husband waved hand , up to that  time I came out and we started walking,  a car arrived at the same road, stopped for a moment with screeching sound  I saw the lady waved hand towards me she was the wife , Both of us waved our hands with smile, their car moved ahead I told my husband “This is Modi effect “he smiled too ! 

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