मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

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I love writing,and want people to read me ! I some times share good posts for readers.

शनिवार, 28 दिसंबर 2024

Today’s Tip !! We & Time !!

 Right from the beginning of our school life we used to learn “ Don’t waste time” “ Time is precious “ Time once gone is gone for ever”” Spend time for good books, good friends, “ Time never gives you second chance and Time has nothing to do with your regrets “ It never stops” Always be ready to fly with the time” We grow up with the time, playing with school friends, in the streets or at the school playground, We grow up with our little brother sister , we take care of them we usually meet our cousins on holidays and see them also growing. We do good or bad , we get appreciation for good achievements in studies sports or acting on stage, we get scolded for mistakes by parents and we get lessons for our severe mistakes and we have to pay for that, quite big or small , Only we are responsible for those mistakes so they effect only our lives more than our near and dear ones.Time is moving on and on during all these happenings, we grow young, we become life partners of someone and we start our own families, again the life cycle starts by bringing up our children and provide them what they need and what we could, children after being grown up and independent make their own world with their wives and children, we are now old and living our old age alone with life style according to our savings , try to make helping friends , facing our health problems, time is still moving, hour after hour , day after another day and year after another. We know there will be a particular day of a particular month of a particular year which will be the last day of our life because we won’t see the next day but time will be there still moving ahead !! 

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