Human beings and worries stay always together. Worries about small things to worries about big problems arise off and on in our lives. I think when we are little children we have small worries, about sharing of toys, “ katti batti “ type of worries, but we are not worried about our exams those days. We grow up and type of our worries change.Now we have worries about studies or exams if we are a good student, average or even a bad student. This is teen age so we have worries about our looks, our pimples make us worried. Girls & boys both copy film stars. Infatuation also brings different types of worries.When we get little matured we are seriously worried about our career , in fact our parents, our relatives make us serious about careers by asking, “ What do you want to be ? After establishing on a particular post, question of marriage arise, in fact parents and relatives are more interested than us about our marriage and also they do more efforts for it.After our marriage, worries spread towards many directions, bread and butter, office stress, children their education and health, again their schools studies college and job , their marriage and other problems, We become fighter throughout our life , sometimes tactfully, sometimes by hard actions , sometimes by avoiding them we defeat worries. It doesn’t mean they have no effects on our brain, some serious worries neither be defeated by all means nor be avoided, they just stay in your brain, off and on they raise head, they steel our sleep, they make us restless, they create stress, sometimes this stress drag us towards serious heart problems or might be mental problems if we couldn’t defeat them. GOD has blessed human beings with strong will power to fight with small and big, all types of physical and mental problems.Actually such fights make human beings stronger and more stronger, they take these problems as challenges and then start trying to defeat them . !!
मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts
- I love writing,and want people to read me ! I some times share good posts for readers.
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