मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

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सोमवार, 27 जनवरी 2025

Elderly people !!

 Between the age of 55 and the time of death, it is advisable to use the money you have saved. Use it and enjoy it.

Don't save it for those who have no idea the sacrifices you made to get it.

Remember, there is nothing more disgusting than a son or daughter-in-law coming up with great ideas to spend their hard earned savings.

 Warning: This is also a bad time for investments, even if it sounds wonderful or safe. They only bring problems and worries

It's time for you to enjoy life.

Stop worrying about your children and grandchildren's financial situation, and don't feel bad about spending your money on yourself.

You cared for them for many years, and taught them what you can.

You gave them education, food, shelter and support.

Now it's their responsibility to make their own money.

Maintain a healthy life, without much physical effort.

Do moderate exercise (like walking every day), eat well and sleep plenty.

It's easy to get sick at this age and it becomes harder to stay healthy.

This is why you need to stay fit and be aware of your medical and physical needs.

Stay in touch with your doctor, get medical checkups even when you think you're feeling well.

Please take care of your health.

Always buy the best, the most beautiful items to treat yourself.

The key is to enjoy your money with your partner.

One day one of you will miss each other, and money won't bring you any comfort; so, enjoy it together.

 Don't stress over the small things.

You've overcome so much in life. You have good memories and bad memories, but what matters is the present.

Don't let the past train you and don't let the future intimidate you. Must feel good in the present.

Don't lose sight of fashion trends for your age, but maintain your own sense of style.

You have developed your own sense of what is right for you, so keep it and be proud of yourself. It's part of who you are.

 Always stay informed: read the newspapers, follow the news.

Go online and read what people are saying.

Make sure you have an active email account and try to use some of those social media.

You'll be surprised by the old friends you run into.

 Respect the young generation and their opinions. They may not have the same ideas as you, but they are the future and they will take the world in their path. Give advice, not criticize, and try to remind them that yesterday's wisdom still applies today.

Never use the phrase, "In our time." “Your time is now. “As long as you are alive, you are part of the present.”

Some people embrace their golden years, while others become bitter. Life is too short to waste days on sad moments. Spend your time with positive and cheerful people depends on you and your days will look much better.

 Don't stress about having to live with your kids or grandkids. Sure, being with family sounds great, but we all need our privacy too. They need theirs and you need yours

Do it alone if you feel lonely and really need help or if you really don't want to live alone.

 Don't quit your hobbies.

If you don't have one, make new ones.

You can travel, walk, cook, read, dance.

You can adopt a cat or a dog, grow a kitchen garden, play cards, checkers, chess, dominoes, golf, etc.

 Talk to people politely and try not to complain or criticize too much, unless you really need to.

Try to accept situations as they are when you feel you can't do anything about it.

 Pain and discomfort go hand in hand with age.

Try not to insist on those wounds, but accept them as part of life.

If someone has offended you, forgive them.

If you have offended someone, apologize to them.

Don't carry negative feelings around.

It only serves to make you sad and destroy you unnecessarily. It doesn't matter who was right.

Someone once said, "Holding a grudge is like eating poison and waiting for the other person to die." " "

Don't take this poison.

Forgive, forget and move on with your life.

 Laugh. Remember that you are blessed.

You have managed to live a long life.

Many never make it to this age and some never get to live a fulfilling life like yours.

My dear friends, enjoy a peaceful life at this stage of your life.. Don't stress yourself out ..

Be happy !!

Credits: El portal de lá notícia

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