According to sanatan dharm, we have to repay our bad karma of previous life in this present life. It says , that who ever around you as your parents,spouse, or siblings or even relatives or neighbors are because of the give and take situation. We are asked to do good works, welfare of others, helping poor, as these are called GOD’s works. GOD doesn’t come here to help poor or doing good but he does all these works through good people. This is also said that if we do good and we can have good in this life or may be in next life. We do many wrong things because of our innocence in adolescence age and we get the bad consequences. When we grow up we realise that we hurt our parents, our siblings during these acts. We feel regretted.Many times when some young ones blame us that we hadn’t done this we hadn’t done that,we shouldn’t have done this we should have done that etc.We feel so bad , even after saying sorry we feel regretted.We can’t forget these blames and they mostly shake us when we are going to sleep, our sleep vanishes. Regression is not the remedy of any thing done and we even don’t know the regression is right or wrong because first thing is that whatever done can’t be undone, second thing is that what was our age and circumstances at that time. But still we should take it as our Karma phal . One should always take such situation as repaying of our debts. Never keep the debt , always repay your debt with the interest. Before leaving the world one should be free from his debts,should always collect currency of good works, because in GOD’s world only this currency is counted. One can get heaven or hell according to the amount of this currency in account.
मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts
- I love writing,and want people to read me ! I some times share good posts for readers.
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