Geeta gyan is known to us in early childhood, all of us have seen Mahabharat on screen and know how Krishna preached Arjun in the battlefield, how he convinced him to pick up the weapons against own cousins, that nothing can be done without my wish. Everything which happens in our lives is according to GOD’s wish.We all are here just for lifetime , when one comes the curtain raises and the day ones life ends, the curtain falls. So all the relations, relatives and relationships are just for our life time. Our Post ,Position, economic status, hard work , efforts ends on the day we die. Now let’s think about our lives, Life never becomes smooth or straight, whether we are super rich rich or poor, everyone has to face many types of problems, regarding health , wealth or pain of near and dear ones. We need to have medication for the cure of illness, and do hard efforts, face hurdles to earn money and solve wealth problems, but when we get involved in our near and dear ones health issues we feel stressed, and worried. We can’t sleep and change sides whole night. But can it solve the problem? Can it cure your near and dear one ? No ! This is not at all the way, by such stress we ourselves can become ill . What we need to do at such situation ? We know the world belongs to GOD, we are sent here by him, and will go back to him , nothing happens without his will , not even a leaf rattles, then why don’t we hand over the whole matter in his hands. The world belongs to GOD , according to our karmas we face all happenings or mis happenings,Only GOD can take out us from hard times, so always Trust GOD, never do anything bad for anyone so that at least we can have good karmas for future. I believe we will have sound sleep at night if we trust GOD and ask him to remove our worries.!!
मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts
- I love writing,and want people to read me ! I some times share good posts for readers.
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