I usually think whose work is more important ? Male’s or Female’s ? I don’t think I am able to decide. Our Indian basic family structure used to base on division of works between husband’s & wife’s works. Right from the beginning of human development it was said “ Man goes out to bring crops and firewood and female cooks food” till today this is followed by the society except some exceptions. Time changed , females get educated and started doing jobs equal to males, started earning somewhere more than males. But at home, she is the home maker, how flour converts into chapatis or paranthas and uncooked vegetables are served as delicious edibles in plates on dining table. Will get clean and washed clothes and everything organised in cupboards and kitchen. Even if a maid comes to wash utensils and cleaning floors, hundreds of works are there in the house. Bringing up children is the most important and biggest task of life, Dads of course provide money for education, but day to day works of the children, waking up early in the morning to get them ready for the school,dropping them to the school bus stop and bringing them from the bus stop,get their homework done, waking them up at the exam time, and many more works till they go to the college are done by Moms.They are always there to serve if someone is sick in the house but they bear most of their pains without sharing with anyone.They are always ready to entertain the surprise guests which is definitely extra work for them.
मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts
- nirupamalekhika.blogspot.com
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