मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

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सोमवार, 24 फ़रवरी 2025

Today’s Tip !! Life Moves Ahead !!

 Every day we move ahead in life. We are not today which we were yesterday. We are not today which we were years ago. Many years many months and days, hours and minutes,moments are including in our past.These years months days are full of incidents and experiences. Some are good to remember some are sad and some are bitter we won’t like to remember. These bitter moments containing our acts of foolishness or innocence, failures regarding relationships, being ditched by someone or getting losses because of some people. Today’s regrets can’t correct them, because it was past, and it was written by the in removable ink, big people, always say, forget them and move on, because it is never changed, so one should only remember the lessons of own mistakes and never repeat the same mistake again. We feel restless when we today realise that someone took advantage of your goodness or your trust. And your goodness or innocence couldn’t be abolished by one time deceiving experience, might be two three or a series of bad experiences, by might be your friends or so called relatives. Today when you are matured and look back you might feel pity on your acts of foolishness. When we are young we follow move on type of sentence, when we are growing old. Each morning we feel one day is deducted from total days of your life, your age has added one more day , your energy strength is being deducted every day. Whatever assets you have collected throughout your lifetime are soon going to become useless for you and collection of Jewellery ,lots of designer dresses or costly sarees in your cupboard are not worth wearing for you because look at you ,in the mirror, how you are looking now, those dresses won’t suit you. Gradually share them with your youngsters, be happy seeing them wearing your things. Keep money with you because money is the key opens many and most important doors of life, specially at this age you can buy services for you. !!

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