All of us have seen the crushers making oil from mustard, sesame seeds, groundnut seeds etc. in villages. One bullock walking all day long round and round and round to crush these seeds to make oil. His eyes used to be blindfolded, like horses’ pulling tonga ( horse cart ) so that these animals can’t get distracted and do what they have to do. Human beings life journey is also like that bullock they walk throughout their lives round and round but reach nowhere till their time to go back comes. What they do? They study, they work hard, they make families, they earn money, make properties, enjoy life and go back from where they have come. What they should do ? Do some good works like helping people who need help, acquire knowledge, make vision broader , liberal, try to leave foot prints so that other people could follow after their departure. It is said that GOD doesn’t come himself to help people but he has sent us in this world to do his work. We can’t even take a single paisa to another world after our death, even our body is burnt by our own people and ashes splashed in rivers, for some days own family members remember us and forgets very soon. So this is the story, of we human beings and so we must try to make this life meaningful, leave some good memories behind. We don’t know from where we have come and where we will reach back after death. Trust GOD that almighty power who made this world who made us and this complete World. He has sent us with a healthy body and brilliant brain, we should use these properties to make this world beautiful and heavenly , If all human beings start doing good works they will make their life meaningful and will sleep a satisfactory sleep every night, live contented and die contented .
मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts
- I love writing,and want people to read me ! I some times share good posts for readers.
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