1. Don’t blame people for disappointing you blame yourself for expecting too much from them.
2.Best thing what I ever did was I never told anyone what’s going on in my life.
3.When someone is mean don’t listen,when someone is rude walk away ,when someone tries to put you down,stay firm , don’t let someone’s bad behaviour destroy your inner peace.
4.Don’t pick sides until you know the full story,some people are really skilled are making others look bad.
5. I am proud of myself for not being fake,I am difficult sometimes,and have a few screws loose but I am 100% me.
6. Appreciate those who gossip about you,It’s not easy for someone to leave their problems and worry about yours .
7. No matter how educated talented rich or cool you are how you treat people ultimately tells all integrity is everything.
8. Easy to judge mistakes of others, difficult is to recognise our own mistakes.
9.A man asked a gardener why his plants grow so beautifully , gardener said I don’t force them to grow I remove what stops them.
10.Don’t be a parrot, be an eagle,a parrot talks too much,but can’t fly high,but eagle is silent but have power to touch the sky.
11.Never respond to rudeness,when people are rude to you,they reveal who they are,not who you are don’t take it personally,be silent.
12. Making someone feel heard and understood,is the loudest way to love them.
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