मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

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सोमवार, 10 फ़रवरी 2025

Today’s Tip !! Worries !!

 Worries are the most unavoidable part of our life, we never invite them, but they appear in our mind. There is no specific time for their arrival and their departure. They might appear when you are trying to sleep, they snatch your sleep your peace of mind.It’s not essential worries are concerned to very serious problem they might connected to very simple and useless things, but they won’t allow you to sleep. You change sides a big part of night. Worries don’t bring solutions with them. They take you no where, they stay, they occupy your brain, your sleep , sometimes in day time they snatch your peace of mind. When worries are active you can’t think about anything, sometimes you are in front of your tv and your most liked show is being telecasted but you can’t concentrate,if you are cooking you forget to put salt in vegetable or sugar in tea, because of worries. As I wrote above they don’t bring solutions,but to remove them from brain to kick them out we need solutions.We need to sit silently, think about the problem which is creating worries, now we should think all-rounder view about it. Why this problem arose, which reasons are lying behind this. How do we solve them, What are the positive sides and are those problems connected to other people and would your way of solving can hurt them, or make them angry and then how tactfully and intelligently it should be solved without hurting anyone, without making someone angry and getting back our peace of mind or sound sleep. Almighty GOD is the creator of us, our lives, whatever happens in our life is always known to him, and he is the best to enlighten us way to solve this, so when you are changing sides on your bed, just imagine that you have kept the worries in a small pouch, you have kept the pouch in your home temple near the idol of GOD, pray to him “ O’GOD take this and solve them, I am going to sleep. The whole world belongs to you and me too, so I pray to you please solve my worries as soon as possible. Just now I am going to sleep.

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