When I wrote the previous Tip , one of my cousins said “ Now a days women are getting privileges more than men, in many companies they get bigger packages than men” I agreed and then decided to write on this angle also” Yes I do agree that the Situation the conditions is changed, Just some years ago we used to read about dowry killings, the data was horrible, seven in a minute, then a hard law was made IPC 498 a and the crime was controlled, but then the opposite crimes started means the daughter in laws started blackmailing in laws and husbands by threatening of this law, the law was misused in many cases, it was like a weapon in their hands. Government also strengthened and empowered women by many new policies (Support economic help in pregnancy period , and beti bachao beti padhao for their girl child which stopped killings of female fetus, like giving them pakka makaan , ujjavala ,gas, cash of upto 2500 in accounts per month and loan for small businesses apart from the sufficient grains per family started from Corona period.This makes poor women stronger but this was done for below poverty line women and that is a good step to make them economically sound and increase their confidence.Now let’s talk about upper middle class, they got educated equal to men, they got very good jobs in MNC, started doing jobs even in Airforce, and Navy, this increase their confidence level. Many of such decided not to get married, The Live in system started and in many cases it’s bad results arose.Law was made to protect such women’s rights. Married couple say they can’t afford a baby just now as it’s time to flourish career, they are taking help to preserve semen And eggs so that in future when they are free they have baby, isn’t it a joke ? Baby in old age. One more big thing happened, previously girls were going to in-laws house after marriage, now a days both husband and wife at their work place. Previously all house hold works done by wife now a days husbands have to share the burden, even they do babysitting, changing baby’s nappy, too. Boys parents think they are free now ? But wait they need to help their children to take care of grandchildren. Though there is always a nanny there but to keep an eye, grandparents help needed. The most important thing is increasing number of divorces, and the huge alimony rules not only in foreign countries but in India too, what do you think ? Just think !!
मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts
- nirupamalekhika.blogspot.com
- I love writing,and want people to read me ! I some times share good posts for readers.
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