Today’s Tip !! Woman Woman !!
I personally feel , every woman her self is a Live monument of big struggle right from the beginning. Man and woman have basic difference given by nature and this difference brings many more differences in her life. Priorities are given to man, people may speak about equality, but it’s not found on the ground. She always becomes victim, we see lots of crimes.We may be taught about equality but is it reality ? Girl child still a cause of worries till they don’t get married to a nice guy of a economically sound family. She might be a working woman and might be earning more than her husband but still she has to fulfill many household duties along with her job. These duties are concerned to her children, her husband, her in laws and even her husband’s other relatives.Life is not smooth for each person of this world. Hurdles of different types off and on comes in life. They are to be sorted out, role of woman in such hard times is vital and she always stood best. Husband‘s or child’s illness, business losses, Being jobless due to any of many reasons woman walks with her family a safe and steady walk. She is the backbone of the family, her management is always perfect. She always gives priority to her children and husband’s works, needs, desires. Her own desires are always get postponed. It is said that woman is very fond of gold jewellery, but it doesn’t take even a minute, to offer it to mortgage or sell when it’s needed for her husband’s help.The most important work she does is giving birth of a child and bringing him up day to day. Walking him up , getting him ready for school,Drop him to the school bus stop and bring back from the stop, looking at his home work and helping him it to be done or sending him to tuition class. A child shares most of the things with his mom. And she always looks at good or bad in them and guides him according. We have different status of people in society and accordingly educated less educated or non educated women but all are perfect mothers, all want their children to study and be a big man in future, and for that whatever they can do , they do,as a labourer, as house maid, as less earning woman as huge earning woman.A girl child becomes a daughter in law and later on a mother in law, this relationship always known and described as complicated because one’s son is another’s husband, mother gave birth and brought up so she thinks her right is greater than daughter in law and daughter in law thinks that she left her parent’s house and all near and dear ones and came here to start a new life with her husband so her right is greater than mother in law’s. This matter depends upon how intelligently and skill fully both women handle the situation and don’t destroy peace.As daughter to grand mother she gives her services to her family indirectly to the society. !!
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