मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

मेरी फ़ोटो
I love writing,and want people to read me ! I some times share good posts for readers.

मंगलवार, 10 दिसंबर 2024

Today’s Tip : Females & Careers !!

 Today’s Tip : Females & Careers 

We all know that Women are described as learned in Indian Hindu religion. We have Gargi, Maitreyee & Lopamudra like Brilliant women. We know that in Gurukul System we have had Gurumata also equal to Guru.Later on invaders came and females were kept inside homes, People stopped educating them for protection from the invaders. Many social activists like Dayanand Saraswati and even William Bentinck worked for social reforms to stop Sati pratha, child marriage promoted education etc.This way females started coming out and getting education. After independence females didn’t have much options for careers, mostly they were allowed to be teachers.So huge amount of females just after graduation did  L.T. , TGT, PGT, and then B. Ed.In different time periods and used to get the jobs in teaching lines, the salary was very small but gradually increased into big amounts.Time changed , progress reached towards all and girls started selecting other courses, they became Doctors, engineers in IT sectors even in Space science like we have had Kalpna Chawala and we have Sunita Williams ( she is still in space ship ) so now we have very few females which are preferring Teacher-ship, and for private schools we have those teachers, who couldn’t have successful career in their young age. Mostly those who are married and want to stay away from mother-in-laws or to earn a little bit money to fulfill own desires. In my view, teacher is the most important pillar of the society, because just after mother’s lap child comes to school and he learns the discipline, etiquettes of society, sharing habits and most of all determination of being a good citizen having a successful career.Girls are now equally bringing up and educate so in many careers they are ahead too , in board examination results they are mostly ahead of boys and so they select vibrant careers , I feel gradually finding a good trained teacher will be a big question mark in front of society.

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