मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts

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रविवार, 10 दिसंबर 2017

Proverbs !! S { 3 }

Seeing--Seeing is believing
Seek--Seek till you find and you will not lose your labour
You seek not water under cold ice
He that seeks trouble never misses
Sees--Who sees thee by day will not seek thee by night
Seldom--Seldom seen soon forgotten
Self--Self do self have
Self preservation is the first law of nature
Self made--Every man is architect of his own fortune
Self reliance--Where there is a will there is a way
Mind moves mountains
Sell--He will not sell his hen on a rainy day
You can not sell the cow and sup the milk
Send--He will never send you away with a sore heart
Send a fool to market and a fool he'll return
Sends--He that sends a feel expects one
September--September blow soft till fruit be in loft
Serpent--Whom a serpent has bitten a lizard alarms
Servant--A servant is known by master's absence
Servants should see all and say nothing
Serve Serve a greatman and you will know what sorrow is
Served--He that will be served must be patient 
Serves--He that serves GOD serves a good master.

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