This topic also must be described from the first generation after independence.. Education system was different, children were sent to school at the age of six to seven, they were taught simple things in Hindi , social studies or science, mathematics was of course good but different. Those school going children were treated like children at home, they didn’t have any responsibility. Nothing was shared with them regarding family matters. Next generation children were also almost same going to school and playing with friends of neighbourhood. Simple life and less compilation. The third generation children were sent to English medium schools by the parents who could afford it. Different careers were their attractions, big competition started and studious children seriously tried hard to achieve high destinations. They were quite matured and parents shared many things with them in fact this generation started guiding their parents too in some matters. Now let’s talk about the fourth generation children, they are born with the smart phone in their hands and the whole world is in their hands through Internet, their fingers move faster to swipe or type on the screen than the pen on the notebook. They know more than their parents still parents need to share basic problems with them and allow them to suggest . Parents must follow if feel the suggestions are good.This way a mutual understanding will develop between parents and children and this will strengthen the bonding process of the family. We find that the first generation children had have very low IQ level and today’s the fourth generation children have have very high IQ level. They are up dated about most of the local, country and world level problems, also they have their own views to solve them. Parents need to Make them friends and share good thoughts and experiences with each other.
मेरे बारे में---Nirupama Sinha { M,A.{Psychology}B.Ed.,Very fond of writing and sharing my thoughts
- I love writing,and want people to read me ! I some times share good posts for readers.
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